杨有军教授科研成果 | PHX系列高灵敏希尔型pH荧光探针

时间: 2021-01-15
作者: 百灵威
杨有军教授科研成果 | PHX系列高灵敏希尔型pH荧光探针-百灵威

癌细胞的反向跨膜pH梯度是疾病治疗的重要靶标,可利用它进行癌症术中组织病理学分析。然而,病理相关的pH变化不显著,无法被传统的Henderson - Hasselbalch型pH荧光探针检测到。

基于理性设计的质子正向协同检测机制,华东理工大学杨有军教授团队开发了一类新型高灵敏希尔型pH荧光探针(PHX系列)[1],Hill常数可达4.4-7.0,酸碱响应范围低至0.7 pH单位。根据pH响应官能团的结构,pKa可在3.5-6.8范围内调节,充分满足各类生物体系的pH高灵敏检测需求。


  • 信号强度更高,检测更灵敏(图1):酸碱响应曲线斜率更大(即对pH变化响应更好),特别适合识别细胞或生物组织的微小pH动态变化(图2);
  • 更好的细胞透膜性,便于细胞或生物组织染色。
图1 pH responsive profiles of a HH-type probe (red) and a Hilltype probe (blue): Θ, fraction of the conjugate base; h, Hill coefficient<sup>[1]</sup>.
图1 pH responsive profiles of a HH-type probe (red) and a Hilltype probe (blue): Θ, fraction of the conjugate base; h, Hill coefficient[1].


图2 Fluorescence images of hepatocellular carcinoma Hepa 1−6 cells incubated with pHrodo Red AM (HH-type, row A, 5 μM), PHX1 (Hilltype, row B, 15 μM), PHX3 (Hill-type, row C, 15 μM), and PHX2 (Hill-type, row D, 15 μM) with nigericin (5 μg/mL) at pH = 7.2, 6.9, 6.7, 6.4, 6.1, 5.8, 5.5, 5.2, and 5.0, respectively. Scale bar: 50 μm. Images were collected at λ<sub>ex</sub> = 559 nm and λ<sub>em</sub> = 565−640 nm. The fluorescence intensity was color coded, with yellow for high intensity and violet for low intensity. (n = 18 different cells from six representative image fields; error bars indicate s.d.)<sup>[1]</sup>.
图2 Fluorescence images of hepatocellular carcinoma Hepa 1−6 cells incubated with pHrodo Red AM (HH-type, row A, 5 μM), PHX1 (Hilltype, row B, 15 μM), PHX3 (Hill-type, row C, 15 μM), and PHX2 (Hill-type, row D, 15 μM) with nigericin (5 μg/mL) at pH = 7.2, 6.9, 6.7, 6.4, 6.1, 5.8, 5.5, 5.2, and 5.0, respectively. Scale bar: 50 μm. Images were collected at λex = 559 nm and λem = 565−640 nm. The fluorescence intensity was color coded, with yellow for high intensity and violet for low intensity. (n = 18 different cells from six representative image fields; error bars indicate s.d.)[1].


杨有军教授现就职于华东理工大学药学院,课题组以有机化学为基础,设计合成具有特殊功能的荧光染料,并进一步开展药学相关研究,具体包括药化、药理、药剂、药物化学生物学等方面的研究。工作获得基金委、市科委、市教委等单位资助,成果在JACS(4篇)、Angew、PNAS、Anal. Chem.(5篇)、Org. Lett.、Chem. Comm.、J. Org. Chem.等领域高影响期刊发表。
图3 PHX系列探针结构通式
图3 PHX系列探针结构通式
品名 pKa 货号
PHX3.5, 97% 3.5 9189176
PHX4.7, 97% 4.7 9189175
PHX5.0, 97% 5.0 9189174
PHX5.3, 97% 5.3 9189173
PHX6.0, 97% 6.0 9189172
PHX6.4, 97% 6.4 9189171
PHX6.8, 97% 6.8 9189170
  • 对待测生物样本进行染色,可利用各类荧光显微成像设备,监测探针荧光强度的动态变化。
  • 染料最大激发波长为553 nm,最大发射波长为575 nm。在实际使用中可利用宽场荧光显微镜标配的红色通道进行成像。
  • 若使用共聚焦成像或流式细胞分析设备,可选择520-560 nm范围内任意波长的激光谱线进行激发。
  1. Xiao Luo, Haotian Yang, Haolu Wang, Zhiwei Ye, Zhongneng Zhou, Luyan Gu, Jinquan Chen , Yi Xiao, Xiaowen Liang*, Xuhong Qian, and Youjun Yang*. Highly Sensitive Hill-Type Small-Molecule pH Probe That Recognizes the Reversed pH Gradient of Cancer Cells. Anal. Chem., 2018, 90, 5803–5809.
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