华东理工大学杨有军教授团队开发了一类新型高灵敏希尔型pH荧光探针(PHX系列,Hill常数可达4.4-7.0,酸碱响应范围低至0.7 pH单位),如图1,弥补传统的Henderson - Hasselbalch型pH荧光探针监测病理相关的pH变化不显著的缺陷,可以用于癌症术中组织病理学分析 [1] 。
图2 (A) Macropathological images of resected mouse liver bearing a tumor. H&E histopathological images of fixed biopsies of tumor (B) and normal liver tissue (C), respectively. Confocal fluorescence images of a section of ex vivo mouse tumor (D) and normal liver tissue (E), stained with PHX2 (15 μM) for 15 min. Average fluorescence intensity of the nuclear, cytoplasm, and extracellular regions of tumor (F) and normal tissue (G) [1] .